Christmas Service Schedules

In this season that draws our attention back to the Lord Jesus Christ, we are so excited to continue gathering for worship - especially on Christmas Day! This Sunday (Dec. 18) will be a normal schedule. There will be some adjustments to a few of our other normal gatherings. 

Continue reading to see this year's Christmas schedule:

  • Wednesday - December 21 - No Gathering
    (there will be NO Men's Study 6AM, Adventure Club, Student Ministry or Adult Study at 6:30PM) 

  • Saturday - December 24 - Christmas Eve Service at 6PM

  • Sunday - December 25 - 10:30AM Service ONLY
    (there will be NO Sunday School or Small Groups) 

  • Wednesday - December 28 - No Gathering

  • Sunday - January 1 - 9:00AM Sunday School & 10:30AM
    (NO Small Groups) 

We're excited to have each of these special gatherings and are looking forward to the New Year in the Lord! 

School and Church offices will closed from December 19-January 2. If you need to contact anyone, please use email ( or reach out to one of the elders.