Children's Church Transition

In the first weeks of January we are transitioning an important part of our children's ministry. Beginning January 12, for our Sunday Morning Worship Service, all children ages 3 and up will be joining their families for our worship in song portion of the service.
Here's a few things to keep in mind:
  • Children in Sunday School should be picked up by 10:15 to be taken to the sanctuary - if you don't attend Sunday School, this is a great week to begin!
  • During the offering song, when invited to stand, children 3 y.o. to 5th Grade will be dismissed from the service to their normal children's church program out of the side door of the sanctuary to the A Building. Barb and other children's church workers will be there to help lead them out.
  • Once in children's church, they will have their lesson time and another period of worship in song
  • If you and your spouse are serving during the service, Barb will be available to help with your children during the worship in singing before they're dismissed
As we make this transition, here are a few suggestions for families:
  • Prepare your children before arriving for how they should act and interact with the older church members entering and finding seats
  • Prepare your children for speaking to other church members and greeting visitors
  • Take them to the bathroom before service begins to minimize distractions during the service
  • Remind them what is taking place when the service begins: we're worshipping the living all-powerful God and Lord of All - it's a big deal! We want them to have that in mind as they sing to Him
  • Please keep your children with you prior to the service beginning to prepare with them for the service and to serve other members as they are finding a seat 
We're excited to introduce this next step in the life of our church where families are able to worship together, children are taught to worship the Lord in song by their parents, and the church gets to experience worship in song as a complete family. We thank you for your diligence and grace towards one another as we seek the Lord's glory in how we conduct our gatherings to worship together.