CBC Choir is Restarting!

Praise the Lord!

For it is good to sing praises to our God;

For it is pleasant and praise is becoming.

— Psalm 147:1


Choirs to sing praises of our God are as ancient as the Creation (Job 38:7). We’re told in God’s Word that if people had not lips to praise the creation itself would burst forth in exaltation of our great God and King (Lk. 19:40). It is a great privilege and gift to minister to the Lord and His people by singing. To this end, we will be organizing a choir for select Lord’s Day singing.


There will be no try outs for the choir but those who are seeking an outlet for performance or drawing attention to themselves will be asked not to participate. Likewise, because this is ministry to the body of Christ we wish to minister without distractions. We would ask that you dress appropriately for the occasion of the Lord’s Day gathering and not in anyway that would draw attention to yourself or distract from the importance of the gathering. 



Practices will take place immediately following Wednesday evening service in the sanctuary and will last no more than thirty minutes. We will strive to provide childcare during that time following Adventure Club and Student Ministry. 


For more information, please contact

Ransom or Ashley Maggard