CBC Announcements for the Week of April 12

Hello CBC Family! Here are a few updates for this week: 

  • We will continue with our online meeting schedule (Wed. 6:30pmyou can learn more about livestreaming by clicking here.
    Thank you for consistently tuning in on time to our Livestream. It's one way that we're still able to participate in the service together. Keep after it! 
  • Both the church and school offices will continue to be closed. However you can still reach out via phone or email - both are still regularly checked.
  • Don't miss the updates!
    Throughout the week we're updating almost daily with sermon clips, interviews, children's lessons and other resources on our social media. If you've missed any - we've added the links below and a few of last week's videos to check out.  
  • You're able to give online by clicking here or by sending in or dropping off your offering to the church. We have recently installed a locked mailbox so this can be a secure resource for you. 
  • Continue checking FacebookInstagram, and YouTube for more updates! 
    We're constantly updating with new videos and resources for you and your family at this time. Please continue holding one another up in prayer as we eagerly look forward to gathering again. 

In case you missed it....

Here are a few of the videos we put out this week - be on the lookout for more this coming week! 

Ask Pastor Phillip 3


Pandemic Devotionals: What Is Your Life?

Children's Easter Lesson with Pastor Phillip

Be Strong and Courageous, Community