Sunday Morning Service

November 3, 2024

10:30am – 1:00pm

Category: Body Life

We celebrate three of the Lord's graces on this Lord's Day morning as we observe the Lord's Table, celebrate baptism with brothers and sisters in Christ, and fellowship with one another around a meal. These "Trifecta" services are a wonderful time for our church family together so please plan to join us! 

The Lord's Table (or Communion) is a wonderful gift to the Church instituted by our Lord for the remembrance of His sacrifice. We will observe this ordinance of the church at the conclusion of the sermon. The elements are distributed by deacons and elders. 


Baptism is a wonderful time to celebrate the grace of the Lord in the life of His people where they will share their testimony in the waters of baptism. This symbolic gift of the church to remind us of the promise of resurrection and the spiritual reality for believers is a blessed time for the people of God. Baptisms are conducted at the close of the servic. Children from the children's service will be sent back to their families during the closing song. 


Dinner on the Grounds will immediately follow morning service. If you're able please bring a side and/or a dessert to share. The church will provide meat and drinks. You may drop off your dish before the service in the gym.