1613 Men is July 22-23, 2024

1613 Men is Next Week!


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Monday & Tuesday, July 22-23, from 9AM-12PM for future men aged 5-11. Cost is $15. 

Sign Up in the Church Foyer! 

  • 1613 Men is to prepare future men for godly manhood with instruction from godly men. Our young men will be learning skills like working with tools, home maintenance, and other life skills as well as instruction in respect, responsibility, and godliness.  
  • Cost covers food & tools 
    Lunch and snacks are provided. Please bring a water bottle. If you have been a part of 1613 in years past and received a tool bag, please bring it again. If you have not received one or not been a part of 1613 you will receive one this year. A new tool will provided for each of the future men to add to their toolbag this year. 

Please see Jeremy Browning if you have any questions or would like to volunteer to serve.