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Missions Conference 2023

By Faith We're excited to again host Dr. Scott Maxwell for our Missions Conference. The conference activities will begin Sunday morning at 9AM in the Sunday School hour where we'll have a combined class in the sanctuary. Then, at 10:30AM and 6:00PM we'll hear from our keynote speaker, Dr. Maxwell. The full schedule will be made available soon, but please mark your calenda...

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Preparing for The Lord’s Day January 29, 2023

Prepare for Worship ThisSunday! Prepare to gather for worship with the body of Christ at CBC! Sing these songs with your family, listen in the car together, read prayerfully over the text, and consider it in preparation to hear it preached. Songs for Sunday:- Christ Our Hope in Life and Death- Not in Me- O My Soul Arise- Christ Liveth in Me Sermon Text: Heb. 13:1-6...

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Preparing for Lord’s Day Worship 1/21/23

Prepare to gather for worship with the body of Christ at CBC! Sing these songs with your family, listen in the car together, read prayerfully over the text, and consider it in preparation to hear it preached. Songs for Sunday: Come Thou Almighty King Our Sovereign God Your Will Be Done (new song - CityAlight) O Church Arise Sermon Text: Psalm 135 Listen ...

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Preparing for Lord’s Day Worship 1/15/23

Prepare to gather for worship with the body of Christ at CBC! Sing these songs with your family, listen in the car together, read prayerfully over the text, and consider it in preparation to hear it preached. Songs for Sunday: And Can it Be His Robes for Mine Before the Throne of God Above Soldiers of Christ Arise Sermon Text: Hebrews 12:25-29...

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Marriage Conference 2023

Our annual Marriage Seminar has been rescheduled to Friday, January 13. If you have registered you do not need to re-register. If you're no longer able to attend and need a refund, please let Pastor Ransom know! You can click here to begin the registration process.The cost is per couple and includes meal, child-care for the session, and prizes. Marriage is meant fo...

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CBC Choir is Restarting!

Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God; For it is pleasant and praise is becoming. Psalm 147:1 Choirs to sing praises of our God are as ancient as the Creation (Job 38:7). We're told in God's Word that if people had not lips to praise the creation itself would burst forth in exaltation of our great God and King (Lk. 19:40). It is a great privileg...

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Christmas Eve Service

Make plans to be with us this Saturday, Dec. 24, for our annual Christmas Eve service at 6pm! This special service is a time of worship in song, Scripture reading, sharing of testimonies from some of our members, and exhortation in the Word. This one hour service is an excellent time to invite family, friends, and neighbors to hear the wonderful message of truth that this...

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Christmas Service Schedules

In thisseason that draws our attention back to the LordJesus Christ, we are so excited to continue gathering for worship - especially on Christmas Day! This Sunday (Dec. 18) will be a normal schedule. There will be some adjustments to a few of our other normal gatherings.Continue reading to see this year's Christmas schedule: Wednesday - December 21 - No Gathering(the...

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Conference Schedule for Spring '23

By the grace of the Lord, we're looking forward to a wonderful lineup of guest speakers and conferences focusing on our life of faith. Below you'll see a list of our upcoming conferences, the keynote speaker and the date for the conference. More conference details (such as registeration, theme, costs, etc.,) will be added later. Marriage Seminar - Phillip Smith - 1/13 M...

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Spurgeon Christmas Sermon


This sermon, preached by a young Charles Spurgeon, has been recommended by CBC's elders. Take up and read! Be encouraged by this exhortation to proclaim the love of Christ to others this Christmas season and share this sermon with others! Download the sermon here or pick up a copy in the church sanctuary!...

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